For end-users
- Reactive interface (no page refresh)
- Infinite scroll through media files
- Dropzone for file upload
- Automatic upload on drop or manual upload
- Sortable files before upload (manual mode)
- Client-side resize of images before upload
- High quality image downscaling algorithm
- Bulk deletion of files
- Media viewer with fast navigation
- Image editing tools
- Multiple image sizes to choose from
User management
- Users creation
- Roles creation
- Assign capabilities to roles
- Assign roles to users
Content management
- Create posts, pages and blocks
- Create categories and tags
- Rich text editing with integrated media library
- SEO edition
- Custom fields
- Templates to choose from
- Featured image
- Shortcodes
- Revisions history
- One-to-many and many-to-many relationships between any content type
- Page builder
- Add content with pre-designed blocks
- Design block presets
- Switch between desktop, tablet or smartphone view
- See modifications in real-time
- Edit any page, post, block or areas (header, footer, sidebar, etc.)
- Create menus with infinite arborescence
- Use existing content to attach to menu or create free links
Site management
- Choose the homepage and blog page
- Permalinks edition
- Email sender configuration
- Theme chooser
- Customize the site identity
- Built-in login, registration and password resetting forms
- Firewall with login throttling using two filters for higher security
- Argon2id passwords encryption
For developers
- Built with Symfony 6.0+, Stimulus and Vue 3
- Runs on PHP 8.1 and above
- Automatic creation of a full-featured Docker development environment
- One-line installer
- No configuration (everything is pre-configured, overridable)
- No EAV
- Custom fields as JSON objects
- Split the view in many controllers with components
- Components and shortcodes as services
- Extensibility through events
- High performance with Redis caching and optimized queries
- Create new content types with existing entities (no SQL change)
- Create new content entities with new SQL fields
- Create new image sizes
- Easily integrate custom business logic into shortcodes
- Easily create editable components in the page builder
- Twig theming
- Override any theme file in the main app
- Create custom themes as Symfony bundles
- Create different page templates using Frontmatter blocks in Twig files
- Define areas such as header, footer, sidebar, that can be edited in the page builder
- Default theme designed with TailwindCSS
- Create custom capabilities