Demo website

This is the official demo website for NumberNine CMS.

You don't need to install it on your machine to have a glance at its features. Edit the content as much as you want: all data will be reset every 15 minutes.

Frontend access

Navigate to this url: https://demo.numberninecms.comopen in new window.

It shows what a simple blog will look like with the default theme ChapterOne.

Admin access

  • Username: admin
  • Password: password

The admin can be accessed by two ways:

  1. By clicking Login / Register at the top right, login, then clicking Dashboard on the black topbar that appeared.
  2. By accessing in new window

Other users

There are 4 more users which you can login with: editor, author, contributor, subscriber.

The password is always password.

Source code

Check out the Github repository of this demo website: in new window.